
Land formations appear to be very old. Doesn’t this prove evolution?

How old was Adam on the day he was created? Technically, he was only one day old. But did he appear to be one day old? No, he probably appeared to be in his twenties, or at least a young man. God created him complete and able to live in his environment. When God created a tree on Day 3, that tree might have appeared to be several hundred years old because it was fully formed at the moment it was created. In the same way, the land formations might have appearance of great age when they are actually very young.

Many land formations, such as Ayers Rock in Australia, actually show evidence that they are younger than evolutionists claim. Over time, the earth wears down through the processes of erosion. Like the waters of the sea tumbling rocks and making them smooth and round, the particles that make up Ayers Rock should also be smooth and rounded if the rock is as old as evolutionists say it is. But the evidence shows that the particles in the rock are rough and jagged, indicating a young age.

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