Phase Two: Coach

After the early years of a child's life, a new phase starts. Probally around the 3rd or 4th grade. The child should be taught about work and wages - interviewing, hiring and even occasionally firing them from jobs around the house and garden. The idea is not only to teach but also to encourage their growth from direction to self-direction, giving them more responsibility with each new job.

It's good to help clarify - rather than dictate - a child's choices for them. "Would you rather do this . . . or that?" It should be a choice you as parent can live with. Obviously, don't tempt them to choose something wrong or foolish; the phrase iss simply a tool to help them gain experience in making their own decisions. For example, You might ask, "Would you rather leave now for church and have time to talk to your friends, or leave a little later and go straight to your class?" The choices you give your child will help them think when you're not around.

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