Weekly Health Tip: Cravings

Your body sends signals. Cravings. Are they reliable? Most of the time they lied to me. I craved food when I was really thirsty. Of course, we can crave junk food. So, how do we tame the beast? Make it submit to a healthy lifestyle?. Starting with "Why" is vital. What's your purpose in getting healthy? Willpower only goes so far. Why power goes the distance.  Filling your mind with nutritious information. Your brain is amazing. If we train our cravings to filter through our thoughts, our cravings will come in line. If not, take the whip to them. Incorporate Habits of Health. Let's say you develop a habit of reaching for water every time you feel hungry. That's taking the whip to your  cravings. Do this for enough days, it becomes automatic. That's the beauty of the brain. 

Having lost 200 pounds, I've coached others to health success. Set up a time for a Free Health Assessment. What do you have to lose? Let's talk about it.

Amazon Review:

It's a military thriller with a heart. Commander Mark Steele has an exciting job in Special Forces. Though it's dangerous, he knows his work is critically important. But that job separates him from his wife and child. When an injury brings him home, his wife is glad to have him back. But other issues cause struggles within the family, leading to distrust and hurt. Steele takes dangerous risks in his new work. The thriller plot thickens, as he seeks to save a life. But can he save his family?

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