Weekly Health Tip: Routine

The key to success is in the mundane. It’s daily doings. The consistency of a routine. Like a train on rails. A ship set on coarse. A car on a highway. It may seem the small steps aren’t leading you, but take an aerial view and you’ll see the advancement. Set your sights on the goal. Plan your daily routine. Implement it. You will see results as your path deepens. It’s one key to success. Be the best version of yourself.

Having lost 200 pounds, I've coached others to health success. Set up a time for a Free Health Assessment. What do you have to lose? Let's talk about it.

Amazon Review:

It's a military thriller with a heart. Commander Mark Steele has an exciting job in Special Forces. Though it's dangerous, he knows his work is critically important. But that job separates him from his wife and child. When an injury brings him home, his wife is glad to have him back. But other issues cause struggles within the family, leading to distrust and hurt. Steele takes dangerous risks in his new work. The thriller plot thickens, as he seeks to save a life. But can he save his family?

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Weekly Health Tip: Declarations

"Well I declare." I heard that when we lived in the South. There's power in a declaration. Here's a few. I will Dream Everything works for my good I will live in my future, not the past. Struggles will help Me I will be teachable I will be inspired to inspire I'm valuable What you believe about yourself affects not only you but those around you. Declare goodness and see results.

Having lost 200 pounds, I've coached others to health success. Set up a time for a Free Health Assessment. What do you have to lose? Let's talk about it.

Amazon Review:

It's a military thriller with a heart. Commander Mark Steele has an exciting job in Special Forces. Though it's dangerous, he knows his work is critically important. But that job separates him from his wife and child. When an injury brings him home, his wife is glad to have him back. But other issues cause struggles within the family, leading to distrust and hurt. Steele takes dangerous risks in his new work. The thriller plot thickens, as he seeks to save a life. But can he save his family?

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Weekly Health Tip: Enjoy the Journey

We'll continue something when we enjoy it even if it's difficult. It's true about your health journey. Some days it may be a struggle. It may be tough. Don't stop. Some days it may seem uphill. It may be difficult. Don't stop. Some days the scale may not move. It may be discouraging. Don't stop. Because... Habits will form. A pattern will emerge. A superhighway will appear. Why? It's because you pushed through and arrived at the place of fruit. Not an apple or an orange, but success. It will be a sweet place of enjoyment.  When a weight lifter desires to win a contest, he lifts. When his muscles hurt, he presses. Why? Because he sees the goal. He lives for the prize.  Go for it and enjoy the journey.

Having lost 200 pounds, I've coached others to health success. Set up a time for a Free Health Assessment. What do you have to lose? Let's talk about it.

Amazon Review:

It's a military thriller with a heart. Commander Mark Steele has an exciting job in Special Forces. Though it's dangerous, he knows his work is critically important. But that job separates him from his wife and child. When an injury brings him home, his wife is glad to have him back. But other issues cause struggles within the family, leading to distrust and hurt. Steele takes dangerous risks in his new work. The thriller plot thickens, as he seeks to save a life. But can he save his family?

Purchase:  E-Book   Book

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Weekly Health Tip: Tame the Crave

Craving is a powerful desire for something. How can we tame your appetite? It begins in your mind. Feeding your imagination empowers your future self.  The brain is an incredible muscle. When exercised by vision, it increases, causing your future self" to become a dominant force. In essence, you propel yourself into the future. Your brain helps you. When you desire to become what you see in your brain, you won't allow your cravings to direct your path. That "seeing" becomes stronger when exercised. Even when you slip, you fall back into hearing your "future self" speak.  So...   Get a clear imagination of what you want to be. Healthy and full of energy. See it. Live it. Experience it.  I want to encourage you to be the best version of yourself. Go to Randy Tramp on Facebook and let's connect. 

Having lost 200 pounds, I've coached others to health success. Set up a time for a Free Health Assessment. What do you have to lose? Let's talk about it.

Amazon Review:

It's a military thriller with a heart. Commander Mark Steele has an exciting job in Special Forces. Though it's dangerous, he knows his work is critically important. But that job separates him from his wife and child. When an injury brings him home, his wife is glad to have him back. But other issues cause struggles within the family, leading to distrust and hurt. Steele takes dangerous risks in his new work. The thriller plot thickens, as he seeks to save a life. But can he save his family?

Purchase:  E-Book   Book

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Weekly Health Tip: Better Sleep

To a Better Sleep No, I'm not talking about the Pillow Guy. Intentionality creates a better sleep. Let's talk about it. Suggestio...