Weekly Health Tip: Why Power

Why do you want to get healthy? The first step in a health journey is to discover your "why." I wanted to run. -wanted to get down on the floor. -wanted to get on an airplane without a seat belt extender. -wanted not to be concerned if my chair would break. It's more than just losing weight. Dig deep and discover your reason for getting healthy. Your "why" will be the power that keeps you on your journey. It's called Why Power because Will Power only gets you to first base.

Having lost 200 pounds, I've coached others to health success. Set up a time for a Free Health Assessment. What do you have to lose? Let's talk about it.

Amazon Review:

It's a military thriller with a heart. Commander Mark Steele has an exciting job in Special Forces. Though it's dangerous, he knows his work is critically important. But that job separates him from his wife and child. When an injury brings him home, his wife is glad to have him back. But other issues cause struggles within the family, leading to distrust and hurt. Steele takes dangerous risks in his new work. The thriller plot thickens, as he seeks to save a life. But can he save his family?

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Weekly Health Tip: Follow the Leader

A few years ago, I was headed to an event in Kentucky.  A friend, after picking me up at the airport, programed the address into his GPS. You're probably ahead of me on this because more than likely you've encountered the less than perfect device that has a mind of its own. The GPS took us in the wrong direction. We asked a UPS driver for help. She was so nice and said, "Follow me." We followed, eventually finding our event in the mountains of Kentucky. In health, I followed a good friend who knew the path. I did everything he instructed me to do. Charlie didn't have to convince me that what I had been doing was wrong. I already knew it. It's nice to follow a proven leader. 

Having lost 200 pounds, I've coached others to health success. Set up a time for a Free Health Assessment. What do you have to lose? Let's talk about it.

Amazon Review:

It's a military thriller with a heart. Commander Mark Steele has an exciting job in Special Forces. Though it's dangerous, he knows his work is critically important. But that job separates him from his wife and child. When an injury brings him home, his wife is glad to have him back. But other issues cause struggles within the family, leading to distrust and hurt. Steele takes dangerous risks in his new work. The thriller plot thickens, as he seeks to save a life. But can he save his family?

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Weekly Health Tip: Challenge

If a healthy lifestyle depends on the physical only, it's difficult. Mindset is the energy for a healthy life. Embracing challenges is like one running a race. A grandfather spoke into the ear of his granddaughter as she ran a race. He told her when it would be difficult, when to set the pace, and when to give it all she had. She won. A healthy lifestyle takes work, but with the correct mindset, winnable. The granddaughter needed a coach.  First, know your goal. Second, set the pace. Third, run the race. As you get into a stride, things become automatic. It's the power of a habit. Let's do life together.

Having lost 200 pounds, I've coached others to health success. Set up a time for a Free Health Assessment. What do you have to lose? Let's talk about it.

Amazon Review:

It's a military thriller with a heart. Commander Mark Steele has an exciting job in Special Forces. Though it's dangerous, he knows his work is critically important. But that job separates him from his wife and child. When an injury brings him home, his wife is glad to have him back. But other issues cause struggles within the family, leading to distrust and hurt. Steele takes dangerous risks in his new work. The thriller plot thickens, as he seeks to save a life. But can he save his family?

Purchase:  E-Book   Book

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Weekly Health Tip: Exercise Your Mind

Exercising your mind is key to physical success. Let's jump into the pool of "being the best you." Changing your routine can reduce the possibility of Alzheimer's and dementia. How? When we go a different way to the store, or water the flowers at a different time than we normally would, the brain creates new links. Also, reading, puzzles, and thought processes will have the same effect.  There are other benefits. Planting a health fact deep in our brain will assist our thinking process. Thus.... You know vegetables will add nutrients to your body. When you make a food choice and that fact is forefront in your thinking, you'd be more likely to reach for broccoli and cauliflower instead of a slice of pizza. That is, if you have a strong plan in place. Exercise your brain to produce the physical desire. 

Having lost 200 pounds, I've coached others to health success. Set up a time for a Free Health Assessment. What do you have to lose? Let's talk about it.

Amazon Review:

It's a military thriller with a heart. Commander Mark Steele has an exciting job in Special Forces. Though it's dangerous, he knows his work is critically important. But that job separates him from his wife and child. When an injury brings him home, his wife is glad to have him back. But other issues cause struggles within the family, leading to distrust and hurt. Steele takes dangerous risks in his new work. The thriller plot thickens, as he seeks to save a life. But can he save his family?

Purchase:  E-Book   Book

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Weekly Health Tip: Better Sleep

To a Better Sleep No, I'm not talking about the Pillow Guy. Intentionality creates a better sleep. Let's talk about it. Suggestio...