Weekly Health Tip: Habits

Habits Help Habits Create Success And Habits Work It's true. You want help and success. Develope a habit. Start small and add. Over the summer I kept a frame work of eating every 3 hours, 6 times a day. I didn't stay true to healthy eating, so now that fall is upon us, I will jump back into health. It's not too tough because of my routine of habits. A fine tuning is all I need and I'm on that road. How about you? What did you do right? Focus on that. Then fine tune it. You don't need to start all over. Let's do life together. randytramp.com

Having lost 200 pounds, I've coached others to health success. Set up a time for a Free Health Assessment. What do you have to lose? Let's talk about it.

Amazon Review:

It's a military thriller with a heart. Commander Mark Steele has an exciting job in Special Forces. Though it's dangerous, he knows his work is critically important. But that job separates him from his wife and child. When an injury brings him home, his wife is glad to have him back. But other issues cause struggles within the family, leading to distrust and hurt. Steele takes dangerous risks in his new work. The thriller plot thickens, as he seeks to save a life. But can he save his family?

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Summer Pounds Fall Off

If you are like me, in the area of health, you probably put on summer pounds. How should I think about it?
Get upset at myself? Give up? No to both of those. Life happens. It's an opportunity to get back on track and fall into Fall in a new way.
I'm reevaluating. Resetting. And Renewing. Reevalute - Where am I at in my health?
Resetting - What new goals do I want?
Renewing - Determine to start new habits.
I'm pressing forward with excitment in my step. Why? Because I see a new me. I won't look back. Because that bring discouragement. So, let's skip into Fall with a new mind-set and greater determination. Let's do life together. Randy

Having lost 200 pounds, I've coached others to health success. Set up a time for a Free Health Assessment. What do you have to lose? Let's talk about it.

Amazon Review:

It's a military thriller with a heart. Commander Mark Steele has an exciting job in Special Forces. Though it's dangerous, he knows his work is critically important. But that job separates him from his wife and child. When an injury brings him home, his wife is glad to have him back. But other issues cause struggles within the family, leading to distrust and hurt. Steele takes dangerous risks in his new work. The thriller plot thickens, as he seeks to save a life. But can he save his family?

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Weekly Health Tip: Think Different

One morning, my chickens clucked like crazy. It was still dark, so I knew they weren't laying eggs. They cluck when delivering breakfast. It can't be the most comforting task. I investigated and saw two eyes, and it wasn't a chicken. Possum or rat, not sure. Two chickens were smart. They jumped up and perched higher than the threat and were content. The others clucked and ran like... well, chickens with their heads chopped off. (Sorry) Had the ground chickens looked up and followed the example of the perched chickens, all would have been well. I knew I needed to find someone successful in their health. That's why I depended upon Charley Chivers as a coach.  Let's do life together and win.

Having lost 200 pounds, I've coached others to health success. Set up a time for a Free Health Assessment. What do you have to lose? Let's talk about it.

Amazon Review:

It's a military thriller with a heart. Commander Mark Steele has an exciting job in Special Forces. Though it's dangerous, he knows his work is critically important. But that job separates him from his wife and child. When an injury brings him home, his wife is glad to have him back. But other issues cause struggles within the family, leading to distrust and hurt. Steele takes dangerous risks in his new work. The thriller plot thickens, as he seeks to save a life. But can he save his family?

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Weekly Health Tip: Slipped?

Summer Slip? Gained a few pounds? You can gain strength and lose pounds if viewed correctly. If motivated to seek connection, then it can make one strong. We weren't made to live this life by ourselves. And were certainly weren't created to live separate from the Creator.  I gained summer pounds. I refuse to allow that to define me. I'll reevaluate, incorporate Habits of Health and live a new day. Above all, I'm going to enjoy the journey and look to my future self.  Let's do life together.

Having lost 200 pounds, I've coached others to health success. Set up a time for a Free Health Assessment. What do you have to lose? Let's talk about it.

Amazon Review:

It's a military thriller with a heart. Commander Mark Steele has an exciting job in Special Forces. Though it's dangerous, he knows his work is critically important. But that job separates him from his wife and child. When an injury brings him home, his wife is glad to have him back. But other issues cause struggles within the family, leading to distrust and hurt. Steele takes dangerous risks in his new work. The thriller plot thickens, as he seeks to save a life. But can he save his family?

Purchase:  E-Book   Book

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Weekly Health Tip: Lose a Turkey

Whether you get a large turkey or a small one. The weight is between 7 pounds and 30 pounds. I'm shooting for a middle-sized turkey. Wh...