Merry Christmas
Why is living for God important?
When we ask Jesus into our heart and life, He wants us to follow Him. Then others will know that we are Christians, and we’ll be able to share our faith with them. But it’s not always easy to know how to follow Jesus. Thankfully, we have the Bible to guide us.
What are the Beatitudes? Matthew
I will live for God (5:3)
I will admit my sin and not do it again. (5:4)
I will be strong and easy to live with (5:5)
I will always want more of God (5:6)
I will see the need and make a difference.(5:7)
I will keep my heart clean. (5:8)
I will make peace wherever I go. (5:9)
I will do what’s right even when it’s hard. (5:10)

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