Snow White

A small audience of viewers had a "sneak peek," at the world's first, full-length animated film. Walt mortgaged his home for this adventure and went contrary to his wife and brother's advice.

Walt became horrified when his first audience stood up and walked out halfway through the movie.

(Walt didn't know that his audience consisted primarily of college students who needed to get back before curfew.)

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Have a great day. I'll see you in the social media realm.

Randy Tramp

YouTube  (Travel with me, while exploring mystery we call life.)

YouTube (Family) Every Sunday I feature: Kids and Comics

REP it Up: Relational Expression Promotion

Battle to Freedom

Two huge fingers in the heavens don’t just snap and have freedom appear. If that were the case, the battle of Israel leaving Egypt wouldn’t be in the Bible.

On a personal level, two heavenly fingers don’t snap and bondage free occurs. Picture a deep-sea diver going into the ocean. Before the diver can return to the surface they must go through a depressurization process. It’s slow, allowing the body to recover at its pace.
It’s the same with someone in the grips of a life-controlling habit.

If the deep-sea diver chooses to stay under water because the depressurization process is uncomfortable, eventually they’ll die.

If the person in bondage chooses to stay comfortable in their situation, they’ll die.
Jesus died to set us free. Freedom is a choice on the part of the controlled. Sometimes the space between controlled and freedom is short; other times it can be a process.

If you’re in chains, and can’t break loose, know Jesus wants you free. Accept Him as your Lord and Savior. Next, prepare yourself for an uncomfortable process. Pass through the pain. Jesus will lead you. Once passed that depressurization stage, you’ll experience a peace beyond understanding. 

Be prepared, it’s only the beginning. More levels, more lows to experience, and more highs to receive.

If you know someone in bondage, be patient with the person. Walk with them. Talk with them. Don’t make statements like, “Just have faith,” or “You’re free, act like it.” The flesh death process doesn’t happen at salvation. We are being made new every day. Paul said, “I die daily.”

Listen as I travel and talk about this subject: YouTube

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Have a great day. I'll see you in the social media realm.

Randy Tramp

YouTube  (Travel with me: Videos helping you find your greatest expression.)
YouTube (Family) Every Sunday I feature: Kids and Comics

REP it Up: Relational Expression Promotion

Greatest Character Arc

A character arc is a description of what happens to the inside of a character over the course of a story. They begin as one type of person in the beginning; something happens, gradually moving them in an "arc" that ends when the story ends.

In my work in progress, Night to Knight, Kaitlyn faces the near death of her husband. Retiring from Special Forces, she believes he's not living a dangerous life any longer. In the beginning of the story, Kaitlyn's personality is a simple, easy-going woman who loves her husband and wants him safe. The lie she believes is to live life without risks. When confronted with her husband's lie (He's been rescuing abducted children without her knowledge.) Kaitlyn must decide: insist he live risk-free, or release him into freedom. The second choice, Mark would again risk his life for others.

The Great Author works the same way. He has an end goal in mind and works to complete in us His will. Allow God the Father, through Jesus, to complete your character arc.

Join me on Facebook: Click Here 
Or Twitter: Click Here

Have a great day. I'll see you in the social media realm.
Randy Tramp

YouTube  (Travel with me: Videos helping you find your greatest expression.)
YouTube (Family) Every Sunday I feature: Kids and Comics

REP it Up: Relational Expression Promotion

Interesting Interestings

Feel like romance? Tamie Dearen, in my opinion, writes the best.
My Review

Need motivation to jump into the dream you've dreamed?

Writing: What is an inciting incident?
Night to Knight

How do you conversate?
Conversate Article

My friend and great author: Jason Fort

My favorite website: Thanks Katie
K.M. Weiland

Right Frame of Mind

With the right frame of mind, you can do anything. If today you are going through a bad situation, do two things:

1. Tell yourself this is only a season.
2. Tell yourself you don't see everything.

Beyond that, please listen to the broadcast.

Join me on Facebook: Click Here 
Or Twitter: Click Here

Have a great day. I'll see you in social media realm.

Randy Tramp

Moving Up on My Twitter List

Using twitter for: CLIK U

My Twitter List
Interesting - Top Twitter
Writing #1
Writing World

Some of these lists are public, two are private. When I follow a twitter, that person will go on my Wantabees list. When that person follows me back, they are moved to a general list. Each day I scan these lists and move twitters to more important lists, such as Top Twitter or Writing #1.

How to get on the top lists?
1. Have original (good) tweets. I don't mind retweets as long as it's not more than 50% of your total tweets. I'm more interested in a person than what that person likes.
2. Be positive most of the time. A few, "I'm having a bad day," tweets is okay. It's called being real. But if it's Linus carrying his dirty blanket, then no.
3. Be clean. This is a smut-free zone.

Do you have a system on Twitter?

Drones in Droves

The Revolution
They’re coming in droves to spray crops, inspect high-voltage power lines, and hover over movie sets to give directors new vantage points. They will work for insurance companies, real estate agencies, ski resorts and dozens of other businesses.

Right now, most Americans associate drones with the military, used on the battlefield. But what's slowing the explosion in the public arena? – the slow moving government.

If they speed up the process, areas one benefits from drones:
Farms – A drone surveys a farm, find bugs or soil that is too dry or too low in nutrients and then send the exact coordinates to a tractor that will apply pesticide, water or fertilizer only to areas in need.

High-voltage Inspector - Send a drone on a coordinated route, program the drone to look for problems and the drone reports breakage.

Directors - Several drones hovering over a movie set heightens the viewer's experience.

One imagines many more scenarios: Drone hovering over your house to give you a birds-eye-view for security, entertainment or to sell your house.
The possibilities are limited only by imagination.  How would you use a drone?

Living 360

This term refers to experiencing your entire world, not only those top few. When you invite the "spark makers," you expand your influence. Who are these sparks?

People who rub you wrong, individuals who irritate you. You know the type of person. It could be a co-worker who has to have their way. An over ambitious classmate who knows everything.

So how can these people help us?

Glad you asked. I once took a tour of the behind-the-scenes look at Walmart. The store manager told me something interesting. "Most of our improvements come from those that have complained." He went on to explain that Walmart considers the negative comments from customers as possible change action. You can do the same in your life and gain valuable information.

I talk about this subject after a brief introduction: YouTube 
You are welcome to subscribe. I post videos that attempt to improve relationships and help you find your greatest expression.
YouTube (Family) Every Sunday I feature: Kids and Comics
YouTube REP it Up: Relational Expression Promotion

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise

My two-year-old daughter will run when Gomer Pile comes on—almost every time. I turned on Gomer, set my video for the toy area and waited, and waited, and waited. A few minutes later she arrived behind me from a different route. I learned that Mickey Mouse trumps Gomer.

Another surprise: While listening to Montel Williams talk concerning the captured Navy sailors by Iran, he spoke of the USS Kitty Hawk. Montel went on to speak specifically about an incident in which he received a humanitarian award in 1981.
The surprise:

I too received a humanitarian award aboard USS Kitty Hawk in 1981. We were on the same ship, same time.
Montel spoke how the Kitty Hawk picked up boat people in the South China Sea. I remember seeing those boat people. The kids were excited to get a balloon. I hadn’t seen a happier group of people.

Here’s the link to watch Montel speak about the incident:

Are you a Jumper?

Jesus's disciples are on a boat. Something or someone is on the water. "A ghost?"

Peter looks at the sea and recognizes Jesus. "If it's you, Jesus, then call me to come to you." Peter hears the word, "come," and jumps.

On the boat were 12 potential "water walkers" but 11 stayed in safety. They remained in the boat.

Are you of the 11?
Are you the one jumper?

How can you jump today? What risk advances your walk in the Kingdom of God?

Living in the uncomfortable, is my "jump". You know the events you don't want to do, but after you've done it, your content and happy it's accomplished.

If something is stirring in you; if it's a struggle; and inside you feel you should do it; maybe that's the arena for the jump. What do you have to lose? Your fear?


Is America Obsessed with Guns?

"We don't beat the bad guys by taking away our guns, we beat the bad guys by using our guns." Ted Cruz

"I think guns and gun control is an issue that needs to be discussed." Sanders

"Criminals will ignore gun laws because they're criminals. The only people that follow the law are law-abiding people." Marco Rubio

"99.999% of people should be able to keep their guns." Jeb Bush

"I respect the rights of lawful gun owners, to use their guns, but I also believe that most lawful gun owners whom I have spoken with for many years across our country also want to be sure that we keep those guns out of the wrong hands." Hillary Clinton

"Any executive order President Obama signs that regulates firearms transactions will merely regulate the behavior of law abiding citizens," Carson said.

"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." Barak Obama

It's an emotional debate, one I wish would be sanitized of politics. Yet politics soaks each of the above statements. Everyone believes guns should not be in the hands of criminals and the mentally incompetent.  How to do that is the question. 

Your thoughts? 


Each Sunday I travel to the reservation and teach Native American children. Since creation was the theme, I talked dinosaurs.

Fossil records record evidence of humans and dinosaurs living together. For instance, found together in many places in the world are human & dinosaur footprints. This matches the biblical account that states, “created on Day 6, all the creatures that move along the ground.” (The same day that God created man.)

I asked the kids: "Were dinosaurs on the ark?" A few kids said yes, others no. Since the Bible doesn't get specific how it happened, we can use our imagination. We typically view pictures of adult animals going onto the ark, but who's to say young animals instead boarded? Could a colt instead of a grown horse, have entered the boat? How big was a young brontosaurus?

Just a thought. 

Apple A Day

Apples have many medical benefits: Constipation Alleviation Lowers High Cholesterol Stabilizes Blood Sugars Prevention of Tooth Decay By th...