Is America Obsessed with Guns?

"We don't beat the bad guys by taking away our guns, we beat the bad guys by using our guns." Ted Cruz

"I think guns and gun control is an issue that needs to be discussed." Sanders

"Criminals will ignore gun laws because they're criminals. The only people that follow the law are law-abiding people." Marco Rubio

"99.999% of people should be able to keep their guns." Jeb Bush

"I respect the rights of lawful gun owners, to use their guns, but I also believe that most lawful gun owners whom I have spoken with for many years across our country also want to be sure that we keep those guns out of the wrong hands." Hillary Clinton

"Any executive order President Obama signs that regulates firearms transactions will merely regulate the behavior of law abiding citizens," Carson said.

"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." Barak Obama

It's an emotional debate, one I wish would be sanitized of politics. Yet politics soaks each of the above statements. Everyone believes guns should not be in the hands of criminals and the mentally incompetent.  How to do that is the question. 

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