Reconnection with Brother Sparks Memories of Foster Care

An article in the Argus leader by Rusty Brevik caught my attention: 
Here is one line I especially love:
“Feelings were replaced by a gradual acceptance that nothing I could do would change my outcome and realization that I would never be going home. Those feelings grew into inner strength, determination and quiet confidence.” (It happened because of the people around him.)

Rusty describes a time when he was in foster care. The shock of being taken out of his home and placed into another home, all while being led to believe it would be a couple days, versus a lifetime.
We have had many foster children into our home. Many have no immediate crisis of emotion, some have. The ones who come into our house and feel at home, concern me. Why? Because it could be because of lack of attachment. The few that have grieved over been in a strange home have returned quickly to their own home.

We have loved foster care. In fact, we’ve adopted 8 children, our youngest now is 2-years-old.

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