Drones in Droves

The Revolution
They’re coming in droves to spray crops, inspect high-voltage power lines, and hover over movie sets to give directors new vantage points. They will work for insurance companies, real estate agencies, ski resorts and dozens of other businesses.

Right now, most Americans associate drones with the military, used on the battlefield. But what's slowing the explosion in the public arena? – the slow moving government.

If they speed up the process, areas one benefits from drones:
Farms – A drone surveys a farm, find bugs or soil that is too dry or too low in nutrients and then send the exact coordinates to a tractor that will apply pesticide, water or fertilizer only to areas in need.

High-voltage Inspector - Send a drone on a coordinated route, program the drone to look for problems and the drone reports breakage.

Directors - Several drones hovering over a movie set heightens the viewer's experience.

One imagines many more scenarios: Drone hovering over your house to give you a birds-eye-view for security, entertainment or to sell your house.
The possibilities are limited only by imagination.  How would you use a drone?

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